
Connect to Google Drive & YouTube

Connecting your Google account to Eddy allows you to import files directly into Eddy and export videos directly to YouTube.

Connect Google Drive

  1. In the upload section, click Google Drive button.

  2. Click Connect your Google Drive account.

  3. Log in with your Google Account details.

  4. Review requested permissions.

  5. Click Allow.

Connect YouTube

  1. In the export section, click YouTube button.

  2. Log in with your Google Account details.

  3. Review requested permissions.

  4. Click Allow.

When you connect your Google Drive to Eddy, you will allow Eddy to see your primary Google Account email address, associate you with your personal info on Google, see and download all your Google Drive files. We use this information to display and import your Google Drive files to Eddy, and to link your Google Account with Eddy.

Eddy will view and display you YouTube email address and allow us to post content you've selected to your YouTube channel without having to download file, navigate to YouTube, and upload. Ultimately saving time on both fronts.

Privacy Policy.


Eddy's use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.